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Janji Collective

New Sizing Tools

Womens Fit Guide


30-55 °F

High chance of rain. Cold, wet & windy.


Focus on apparel with a water-resistant coating, like the award-winning Rainrunner Pack Jacket

Focus on apparel with a water-resistant coating, like the award-winning Rainrunner Pack Jacket

Let your inner child shine and splash in some puddles

Let your inner child shine and splash in some puddles

A hat under a hood keeps water out of your eyes in heavy rain

A hat under a hood keeps water out of your eyes in heavy rain

Rain Layers

When variable conditions threaten to turn your run into a shower, you need packable gear that keeps you dry in the drizzle. Enter: Janji’s light, breathable outerwear, with best-in-class waterproofing for convenient protection.

Layering Guide: Rain

$198 $139 W's Rainrunner Pack Jacket 1.0 Lightweight wind + water protection with 360° panel venting for unparalleled breathability Superglow

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